- (Group) Bayesian Representational Similarity Analysis
- Event segmentation and alignment in fMRI data
- Full Correlation Matrix Analysis (FCMA) demo
- fmrisim demo script
- Overview
- Annotated bibliography
- Table of Contents
- 1. Set parameters
- 2. Generate noise
- 3. Generate signal
- 3.1 Specify which voxels in the brain contain signal
- 3.2 Characterize signal for voxels
- 3.3 Generate event time course
- 3.4 Export stimulus time course for analysis
- 3.5 Estimate the voxel weight for each event
- 3.6 Convolve each voxel’s time course with the Hemodynamic Response Function
- 3.7 Establish signal magnitude
- 3.8 Multiply the convolved response with the signal voxels
- 3.9 Combine signal and noise
- 4. Analyse data
- Summary
- Hierarchical Topographic Factor Analysis
- Overview
- Annotated bibliography
- Getting started
- Code
- Summary
- Inverted Encoding Model
- Inverted encoding model
- Intersubject correlation
- Rapid prototyping of fMRI models with
- Annotated Bibliography
- Set Up Instructions for the Real-Time fMRI Cloud-Based Framework
- Implementing a Real-Time fMRI Cloud-Based Framework
- Overview
- Annotated Bibliography
- Table of Contents
- Before Running This Notebook
- Import Necessary Modules and Declare Important Variables
- Step 1: Start the ProjectInterface Web Server
- Step 2: Start the Synthetic Data Generator
- Step 3: Open the Web Server on the localhost
- Alternate Step 3: Run the classification script from command line
- Summary
- Shared response model