Intersubject correlation
Author: Samuel A. Nastase (
This notebook provides interactive examples of intersubject correlation (ISC) analysis using BrainIAK. When participants receive the same stimulus (e.g. an audiovisual movie or spoken story), part of their brain activity is driven by the stimulus and is thus shared across individuals. ISC analysis is a family of simple methods for measuring this shared, stimulus-driven response across subjects (Hasson et al., 2004; Nastase et al., 2019). In the following, we compute ISC on an example story-listening dataset, then briefly touch on some extensions of ISC analysis. This notebook accompanies the manuscript “BrainIAK: The Brain Imaging Analysis Kit” by Kumar and colleagues (2020).
Annotated bibliography
Hasson, U., Nir, Y., Levy, I., Fuhrmann, G., & Malach, R. (2004). Intersubject synchronization of cortical activity during natural vision. Science, 303(5664), 1634-1640.
Original application of ISC analysis to naturalistic movie-watching fMRI data, demonstrating shared stimulus-evoked responses across subjects.Nastase, S. A., Gazzola, V., Hasson, U., & Keysers, C. (2019). Measuring shared responses across subjects using intersubject correlation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 14(6), 667-685.
Recent tutorial article that reviews ISC analysis and related methods.Hasson, U., Yang, E., Vallines, I., Heeger, D. J., & Rubin, N. (2008). A hierarchy of temporal receptive windows in human cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(10), 2539-2550.
ISC analysis is used to demonstrate that, under naturalistic conditions, high-level brain areas integrate stimulus-related information over long periods of time.Chen, G., Shin, Y. W., Taylor, P. A., Glen, D. R., Reynolds, R. C., Israel, R. B., & Cox, R. W. (2016). Untangling the relatedness among correlations, part I: nonparametric approaches to inter-subject correlation analysis at the group level. NeuroImage, 142, 248-259.
The first in a series of three papers that dissect the statistical assessment of pairwise ISC.
Table of contents
# Import necessary python modules
from glob import glob
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
from nilearn.plotting import (find_xyz_cut_coords,
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.stats import pearsonr
from scipy.spatial.distance import squareform
from brainiak.isc import isc, isfc
Example fMRI data and atlas
To explore ISC analysis, we use an fMRI dataset collected while participants listened to two versions of a spoken story called “It’s Not the Fall that Gets You” by Andy Christie. Participants either listened to the original version of the story (referred to as the intact condition) or a temporally scrambled version of the story (referred to as the shortscram condition). These data are available as part of the Narratives collection (Nastase et al., 2019) and were recently published in work by Chien and Honey (2020). Here, we download a pre-packaged subset of the data from Zenodo. These data have been preprocessed using fMRIPrep and confound regression in AFNI. To reduce computational demands, we compute parcel-wise ISCs using a cortical parcellation containing 400 parcels from Schaefer and colleages (2018).
# Download and extract example data from Zenodo
!wget -nc
!tar --skip-old-files -xzf brainiak-aperture-isc-data.tgz
File ‘brainiak-aperture-isc-data.tgz’ already there; not retrieving.
# Get filenames for example data and atlas
intact_fns = sorted(glob('brainiak-aperture-isc-data/sub-*_task-notthefallintact_*bold.nii.gz'))
atlas_fn = 'brainiak-aperture-isc-data/Schaefer2018_400Parcels_17Networks_order_FSLMNI152_3mm.nii.gz'
# Load in the Schaefer 400-parcel atlas
atlas_nii = nib.load(atlas_fn)
atlas_img = atlas_nii.get_fdata()
# Load in intact functional data and compute parcel means
intact_parcels = []
for intact_fn in intact_fns:
intact_data = nib.load(intact_fn).get_fdata()
intact_means = [np.mean(intact_data[atlas_img == parcel, :], axis=0)
for parcel in np.unique(atlas_img)[1:]]
intact_parcels = np.dstack(intact_parcels)
Computing intersubject correlation (ISC)
Next we compute leave-one-out ISCs on data from the intact condition for each parcel using BrainIAK’s isc
function. We average ISC values across subjects for visualization. This reveals high ISCs in superior temporal auditory cortex, as well as strong ISCs extending into higher level cortical areas, such as the precuneus and other nodes of the default-mode network. Here, we simply want to visualize ISC rather than perform a statistical test, so we threshold the maps at ISC > .10. BrainIAK provides several nonparametric statistical tests (e.g. bootstrap_isc
, phaseshift_isc
); for a more thorough statistical treatment, we refer readers to a series of papers by Chen and colleagues (2016, 2017, 2020).
# Compute parcel-wise ISC using the leave-one-out approach
intact_iscs = isc(intact_parcels, pairwise=False,
# Project intact parcel-wise ISC values onto brain
vmax = .6
threshold = .1
intact_img = np.zeros(atlas_img.shape)
for i, parcel in enumerate(np.unique(atlas_img)[1:]):
intact_img[atlas_img == parcel] = intact_iscs[i]
# Convert to NIfTI image for visualization with Nilearn
intact_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(intact_img, atlas_nii.affine, atlas_nii.header)
# Plot intact ISCs to visualize superior temporal cortex
plot_stat_map(intact_nii, cmap='RdYlBu_r', vmax=vmax, threshold=threshold,
title='mean ISC (intact condition)', cut_coords=(-57, -24, 9))
# Plot intact ISCs to visualize posterior medial cortex
plot_stat_map(intact_nii, cmap='RdYlBu_r', vmax=vmax, threshold=threshold,
cut_coords=(-3, -65, 40));
# Print short "figure caption" describing result
print("For the intact story stimulus, high parcel-wise ISC extends "
"from low-level\nauditory areas into higher-level areas "
"including posterior medial cortex.")

For the intact story stimulus, high parcel-wise ISC extends from low-level
auditory areas into higher-level areas including posterior medial cortex.
Temporal receptive windows
Next, we’ll load in fMRI data for a temporally scrambled version of the same stimulus. We compute parcel-wise leave-one-out ISC in the same manner as for the intact stimulus. Temporally scrambling the stimulus retains many low-level perceptual qualities of the stimulus, but abolishes the higher-level semantic meaning and narrative arc. Correspondingly, we see high ISC in early auditory cortex (similar to the intact condition), but markedly lower ISC in high-level cortices than observed with the intact stimulus.
# Load in scrambled functional data and compute parcel means
scram_fns = sorted(glob('brainiak-aperture-isc-data/sub-*_task-notthefallshortscram_*bold.nii.gz'))
scram_parcels = []
for scram_fn in scram_fns:
scram_data = nib.load(scram_fn).get_fdata()
scram_means = [np.mean(scram_data[atlas_img == parcel, :], axis=0)
for parcel in np.unique(atlas_img)[1:]]
scram_parcels = np.dstack(scram_parcels)
# Compute parcel-wise ISC using the leave-one-out approach
scram_iscs = isc(scram_parcels, pairwise=False,
# Project parcel-wise ISC values onto brain
vmax = .6
threshold = .1
scram_img = np.zeros(atlas_img.shape)
for i, parcel in enumerate(np.unique(atlas_img)[1:]):
scram_img[atlas_img == parcel] = scram_iscs[i]
# Convert to a NIfTI image for visualization with Nilearn
scram_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(scram_img, atlas_nii.affine, atlas_nii.header)
# Plot scrambled ISCs to visualize superior temporal cortex
plot_stat_map(scram_nii, cmap='RdYlBu_r', vmax=vmax, threshold=threshold,
title='mean ISC (scrambled condition)',
cut_coords=(-57, -24, 9))
# Plot scrambled ISCs to visualize posterior medial cortex
plot_stat_map(scram_nii, cmap='RdYlBu_r', vmax=vmax, threshold=threshold,
cut_coords=(-3, -65, 40));
# Print short "figure caption" describing result
print("For the scrambled story stimulus, we observe high ISC "
"in early auditory\nareas, but reduced ISC in higher-level "
"areas like posterior medial cortex.")

For the scrambled story stimulus, we observe high ISC in early auditory
areas, but reduced ISC in higher-level areas like posterior medial cortex.
Intersubject network estimation (ISFC)
Instead of only computing ISC between homologous brain areas, we can also compute ISC across brain areas using intersubject functional correlation (ISFC) analysis (Simony et al., 2016). Traditional functional connectivity (FC) analyses measure within-subject FC (WSFC), typically during resting-state paradigms. ISFC analysis, on the other hand measures shared stimulus-evoked functional connectivity. Traditional FC analyses are highly sensitive to artefacts such as head motion or physiological. Unlike within-subject FC, ISFC analysis filters out artefacts that are not synchronized across subjects.
# Compute ISFC on intact data
intact_isfcs = isfc(intact_parcels, pairwise=False,
# Compute ISFC on scrambled data
scram_isfcs = isfc(scram_parcels, pairwise=False,
# Compute mean with Fisher z-transformation
def fisher_mean(correlation, axis=None):
return np.tanh(np.mean(np.arctanh(correlation), axis=axis))
# Compute within-subject functional connectivity for intact data
intact_fcs = fisher_mean([np.corrcoef(s) for s in intact_parcels.T],
# Compute within-subject functional connectivity for scrambled data
scram_fcs = fisher_mean([np.corrcoef(s) for s in scram_parcels.T],
/Users/snastase/miniconda3/envs/brainiak/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in arctanh
This is separate from the ipykernel package so we can avoid doing imports until
# Load in network labels
label_fn = 'brainiak-aperture-isc-data/Schaefer2018_400Parcels_17Networks_order.txt'
with open(label_fn) as f:
networks = [' '.join((label.split('_')[1][0], label.split('_')[2]))
for label in f.readlines()]
# Get sorted unique network labels
idxs = np.unique(networks, return_index=True)[1]
network_labels = [networks[idx] for idx in sorted(idxs)]
# Get middle index for each network for plotting
network_idxs = [int(np.median([i for i, n in enumerate(networks)
if n == network]))
for network in network_labels]
# Visualize ISFC/FC matrices for intact and scrambled conditions
vmin, vmax = 0, .5
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(18, 18))
fc_mats = [intact_isfcs, scram_isfcs, intact_fcs, scram_fcs]
fc_titles = ['ISFC (intact)', 'ISFC (scrambled)',
'WSFC (intact)', 'WSFC (scrambled)']
for ax, fc, t in zip(axs.flatten(), fc_mats, fc_titles):
ax.matshow(fc, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin, cmap='RdYlBu_r')
ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='both', length=0, labelsize=9)
# High correlation between intact and scrambled
# for within-subject functional connectivity
fc_r = pearsonr(squareform(intact_fcs, checks=False),
squareform(scram_fcs, checks=False))[0]
# ISFC is more distinct for intact and scrambed conditions
isfc_r = pearsonr(squareform(intact_isfcs, checks=False),
squareform(scram_isfcs, checks=False))[0]
print("ISFC networks have generally lower correlations than "
"within-subject functional connectivity, but better\n"
"differentiate intact and scrambled stories.\n")
print(f"Correlation between intact and scrambled ISFC networks: {isfc_r:.3}")
print(f"Correlation between intact and scrambled WSFC networks: {fc_r:.3}")

ISFC networks have generally lower correlations than within-subject functional connectivity, but better
differentiate intact and scrambled stories.
Correlation between intact and scrambled ISFC networks: 0.602
Correlation between intact and scrambled WSFC networks: 0.941
# Find center-of-mass for each parcel in MNI space for visualization
node_coords = []
for parcel in np.unique(atlas_img)[1:]:
parcel_img = atlas_img == parcel
parcel_nii = nib.Nifti1Image(parcel_img, atlas_nii.affine,
# Visualize WSFC and ISFC connectome on glass brain (takes a minute to render)
display_mode = 'ortho'
edge_threshold = .2
edge_vmin, edge_vmax = -.65, .65
fc_mats = [intact_isfcs, scram_isfcs, intact_fcs, scram_fcs]
fc_titles = ['ISFC (intact)', 'ISFC (scrambled)',
'WSFC (intact)', 'WSFC (scrambled)']
fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize = (16, 7))
for ax, fc, t in zip(axs.flatten(), fc_mats, fc_titles):
plot_connectome(fc, node_coords, node_size=0,
edge_vmin=edge_vmin, edge_vmax=edge_vmax,
title=t, axes=ax, colorbar=True)
print("The ISFC connectome better differentiates "
"intact and scrambled stories.")

The ISFC connectome better differentiates intact and scrambled stories.
Intersubject pattern correlation (ISPC)
Rather than computing parcel-wise ISC across time, we can compute the spatial ISC of distributed response patterns in a parcel (e.g. Chen et al., 2017, Zadbood et al., 2017). Computing intersubject pattern correlation across all time points can allow us to discover whether similar response patterns recur at different points in the stimulus (Baldassano et al., 2017). Here, we compute ISPC for the left default-mode network (DMN) A network.
# Get labels for parcels in left DMN A network
dmn_a = (np.array(networks) == 'L DefaultA').nonzero()[0] + 1
# Re-load in intact functional data and extract DMN A
intact_dmns = []
for intact_fn in intact_fns:
intact_data = nib.load(intact_fn).get_fdata()
intact_dmns.append(np.column_stack([intact_data[atlas_img == parcel, :].T
for parcel in dmn_a]))
intact_dmns = np.dstack(intact_dmns)
# Load in scrambled functional data and extract DMN A
scram_dmns = []
for scram_fn in scram_fns:
scram_data = nib.load(scram_fn).get_fdata()
scram_dmns.append(np.column_stack([scram_data[atlas_img == parcel, :].T
for parcel in dmn_a]))
scram_dmns = np.dstack(scram_dmns)
# Transpose input data to compute intersubject pattern correlation
intact_ispcs = isfc(np.rollaxis(intact_dmns, 1, 0),
pairwise=False, vectorize_isfcs=False,
scram_ispcs = isfc(np.rollaxis(scram_dmns, 1, 0),
pairwise=False, vectorize_isfcs=False,
# Plot time-point-by-time-point intersubject pattern correlation
vmin, vmax = 0, .15
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 8))
ispcs = [intact_ispcs, scram_ispcs]
titles = ['DMN mean ISPC (intact)', 'DMN mean ISPC (scrambled)']
for ax, ispc, t in zip(axs, ispcs, titles):
ax.matshow(ispc, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap='RdYlBu_r')
print("Visualizing ISPC across all time points indicates that "
"some\nresponse patterns persist over time (diagonal blocks) "
"while\nsome patterns recur at later times (off-diagonal blocks)")

Visualizing ISPC across all time points indicates that some
response patterns persist over time (diagonal blocks) while
some patterns recur at later times (off-diagonal blocks)
Using ISC analysis, we are able to measure shared responses to a complex story stimulus. By comparing ISC for brain responses to the intact and temporally-scrambled story stimulus, we can identify areas of the brain sensitive to temporally-evolving features of the stimulus (e.g. narrative context). ISFC analysis allows us examine functional network organization in a way that is more sensitive to the stimulus than traditional within-subject functional connectivity analysis. Finally, we can apply the logic of ISC analysis to distributed responses patterns to visualizing recurring response patterns over time.
Baldassano, C., Chen, J., Zadbood, A., Pillow, J. W., Hasson, U., & Norman, K. A. (2017). Discovering event structure in continuous narrative perception and memory. Neuron, *95(3), 709-721.
Chen, G., Shin, Y. W., Taylor, P. A., Glen, D. R., Reynolds, R. C., Israel, R. B., & Cox, R. W. (2016). Untangling the relatedness among correlations, part I: nonparametric approaches to inter-subject correlation analysis at the group level. NeuroImage, 142, 248-259.
Chen, G., Taylor, P. A., Shin, Y. W., Reynolds, R. C., & Cox, R. W. (2017). Untangling the relatedness among correlations, part II: inter-subject correlation group analysis through linear mixed-effects modeling. NeuroImage, 147, 825-840.
Chen, G., Taylor, P. A., Qu, X., Molfese, P. J., Bandettini, P. A., Cox, R. W., & Finn, E. S. (2020). Untangling the relatedness among correlations, part III: inter-subject correlation analysis through Bayesian multilevel modeling for naturalistic scanning. NeuroImage, 216, 116474.
Chen, J., Leong, Y. C., Honey, C. J., Yong, C. H., Norman, K. A., & Hasson, U. (2017). Shared memories reveal shared structure in neural activity across individuals. Nature Neuroscience, 20(1), 115-125.
Chien, H. Y. S., & Honey, C. J. (2020). Constructing and forgetting temporal context in the human cerebral cortex. Neuron, 106(4), 675-686.
Hasson, U., Nir, Y., Levy, I., Fuhrmann, G., & Malach, R. (2004). Intersubject synchronization of cortical activity during natural vision. Science, 303(5664), 1634–1640.
Nastase, S. A., Gazzola, V., Hasson, U., & Keysers, C. (2019). Measuring shared responses across subjects using intersubject correlation. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 14(6), 667–685.
Nastase, S. A., Liu, Y.-F., Hillman, H., Zadbood, A., Hasenfratz, L., Keshavarzian, N., Chen, J., Honey, C. J., Yeshurun, Y., Regev, M., Nguyen, M., Chang, C. H. C., Baldassano, C., Lositsky, O., Simony, E., Chow, M. A., Leong, Y. C., Brooks, P. P., Micciche, E., Choe, G., Goldstein, A., Halchenko, Y. O., Norman, K. A., & Hasson, U. (2019). Narratives: fMRI data for evaluating models of naturalistic language comprehension. OpenNeuro, ds002345.
Schaefer, A., Kong, R., Gordon, E. M., Laumann, T. O., Zuo, X. N., Holmes, A. J., Eickhoff, S. B., & Yeo, B. T. T. (2018). Local-global parcellation of the human cerebral cortex from intrinsic functional connectivity MRI. Cerebral Cortex, 28(9), 3095-3114.
Simony, E., Honey, C. J., Chen, J., Lositsky, O., Yeshurun, Y., Wiesel, A., & Hasson, U. (2016). Dynamic reconfiguration of the default mode network during narrative comprehension. Nature Communications, 7, 12141.
Zadbood, A., Chen, J., Leong, Y. C., Norman, K. A., & Hasson, U. (2017). How we transmit memories to other brains: constructing shared neural representations via communication. Cerebral Cortex, 27(10), 4988-5000.